Monday, July 30, 2007

Ergomo as a Training and Racing Tool

Powermeter discussions usually focus on hardware, installation, weight and, yes, even appearance. But as I am in the unique position of being both a powermeter retailer and a full-time triathlon coach, I'd like to share with you my thoughts on why the Ergomo is the best power training AND racing tool on the market today.

Before I begin, I have to clarify one thing: The most important component in any powermeter system is YOU, not the powermeter. Any powermeter is only as effective as your committment to making the investment to learn how to operate, train and race with it properly. This will require a good bit of work on your part. If you can't be bothered to wade through user manuals, books, articles, forums, learn how to use software tools, troubleshoot comm port issues, perform pre-flight checks on your powermeter, or even what buttons to push, then no powermeter is right for you. Powertraining requires you to work, on several levels, to yield a good return on your investment. There are lots of people out there with $3500 cyclecomputers, that look remarkably similar to SRMs, on their handlebars. They simply don't know how to use tool they've invested a lot of money in. Don't be that guy!

Software trumps Hardware
Having said that, the major selling point of the Ergomo for me (as a coach first and retailer second) is the software, not the hardware. The Ergomo's close integration with CyclingPeaks sets it apart from the competition. CyclingPeaks is the gold-standard of power analysis tools, having created a universe of terms and tools we use to analyze and understand power data. Ergomo has integrated CyclingPeaks into it's powermeter in two powerful ways: on your desktop and on the powermeter itself.

On your desktop, CyclingPeaks is the tool you use to download your ride from your Ergomo, configure the monitor, etc. Other powermeters come with proprietary software which is not nearly as powerful or as valuable as CyclingPeaks. So Powertap and SRM owners have to take the additional steps of learning they need to purchase CyclingPeaks, making the purchase, and then learning how to use it. In my experience, many don't make it to step #1, much less progress completely to step #3.

On the powermeter display, Ergomo puts critical CyclingPeaks-derived numbers right on the monitor. It is one thing finish your ride, take a shower, download the file and analyze Intensity Factor, Training Stress Score, and Normalized watts, turkey sandwich in hand. It is quite another to see, feel, taste, and smell those numbers in real-time, on the bike, in the middle of your ride. This allows an Ergomo user to adapt their effort during each and every ride - or race - for the desired outcome.

Learn Faster
The results of these two factors is that, in general, my own Ergomo-owning athletes leap farther and faster up the learning curve than my Powertap or SRM athletes. They are hit squarely between the eyes with these CyclingPeaks terms during their rides and then, since their download tool is CyclingPeaks, they have no choice but to learn how to analyze and manipulate their data and the software. Most of these athletes quickly reach an advanced interest and depth of understanding of powertraining that I've seen many Powertap and SRM athletes never achieve. Basically, the Ergomo is a superior teaching and learning tool (see my investment points above).

Your Best Race Day - Every Time
The ultimate expression of this Ergomo + CyclingPeaks relationship is race day. By analyzing the files of my athletes and through discussions with other coaches, I've refined my race day pacing guidance to the level that much of the guesswork has been taken out of the equation. Imagine that your legs are a bank account with a positive balance. Your goal on race day is to spend that money at a rate that leaves cash in the account so you have enough to spend on the run. The Ergomo is the only powermeter that places your spending rate AND bank balance in front of your nose, in real time. That is extremely powerful information to have on race day. And the longer the day, the higher the risk of failure, and the more valuable this information becomes.

Testimonial from Coach Patrick McCrann of Performance Training Systems; Qualified at IMUSA 2007 using Ergomo Pro
"I relied on my Ergomo Pro to make sure that I executed my race plan perfectly. I wanted to start conservative - despite the early hills - and have a solid second loop. I used my Ergomo to track the Stress Score (TSS) of each loop so I could tell the impact my effort was having on my body. Knowing I wanted to ride under 290, I could see at the end of the first loop with a score of 141 that I was in a great place to push lap two. Dialing the effort up, I was able to ride a 152 on the second lap (right up to my target number). This pacing allowed me to get my critical nutrition in early and enabled me to mitigate some of the effect that a late headwind started to have. I got off of the bike 100% confident that I could run at my high-end...and I did. See you in Kona!"

Go Ergomo, Dust the Competition
If you are truly interested in boosting your performance - and are ready to make the commitment to a tool that is just as serious as you are - get an Ergomo. I strongly suggest you purchase an Ergomo from a coaching expert because there is a serious technological - and individual - learning curve, one that you will need guidance to successfully complete. I have trained and coached with power exclusively since 2003, and have turned hundreds of athletes loose on the unknowing Ironman competition. Join the ranks of my Ergomo athletes and get ready to have your best year yet.

Update: Ergomo Releases Customization Firmware
In their continuing commitment to being the powermeter leader, the makers of Ergomo have released a firmware update and software program that allows users to customize their Ergomo display. No more staring at numbers that don't matter to you - you can swap them out for the ideal combination of real-time and cumulative-time data that you need to be your best.

Rich Strauss is the founder and head coach of Crucible Fitness, an Ergomo Coaching Center. Rich has been an Ironman-specific coach since 2001, power-specific since 2003, and has successfully trained over 200 Ironman finishers. Hundreds more have used his training plans, now in their third generation of development. Rich is also the co-founder, with Patrick McCrann, of Endurance Nation and IronCamp.

1 comment:

Crackhead said...

Just received BB for second Ergomo which will be put to good use.

You live in MonRovia, not Monovia, right? :)